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Baby wakes multiple times at night? How to change this.

Writer's picture: Laura TaitLaura Tait

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

The most common reason for multiple wakes at night is usually linked to aided sleep associations that the baby is relying on to fall back to sleep.

So the question is, what do you do repeatedly to help your child fall asleep, feel drowsy, or signal that sleep time is approaching?

Whether it involves rocking to sleep, feeding to sleep, co-sleeping or using the dummy to help them fall asleep and to go back to sleep during sleep cycles each time, this will be the association that we need to look at changing to prevent the multiple wakes you are experiencing throughout the night.

The reason why we want to change this is because babies recall the rocking, feeding, cosleeping, dummy, right before they fall asleep. When they wake up during a sleep cycle and find that their surroundings and conditions are not the same as when they drifted off, they may become unsettled. This is why they signal out for assistance until you provide the familiar sleep association.

I recommend addressing these aided sleep associations, and begin by supporting and teaching your baby to work on self settling. Starting with the initial settling at bedtime is best because we have the hormones on our side.

Having a well-thought-out plan that prevents you from simply exchanging one association for another too. For instance, if you stopped rocking to sleep but now find yourself consistently patting to sleep instead.

Another excellent recommendation is to move the milk feed 20 minutes earlier before bedtime to avoid it being the final part of the routine and to prevent the baby from falling asleep during the feed.

Finally, make sure your baby is not over-tired and prioritise taking as many naps at home as possible during the initial days of sleep teaching!


Teaching children how to sleep well essentially involves altering their sleep associations or habits. It's truly amazing to witness the transformation in their sleep routines and the improvement in sleep quality when they learn to self-soothe and link their sleep cycles.

Over a period of three weeks, I provide personalised guidance and support to clients to help them navigate through this. This eliminates any uncertainty, equipping parents with a concrete plan and continuous support, ensuring that they can feel confident in the success of their decision, which will be their best one yet! (life changing!!!).


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